"Reboot" task no longer reconnects or times out


We’ve been using ansible (combined with packer) to automatically provision a bunch of VMs to form a small company network usable for attack testing (in this little project).

This worked fine, until I upgraded one of the machines to a later OS version (IPFire 2.25 core141 → core 157), causing ansible to no longer reconnect after a reboot task in this simple role:

- name: Copy suricata configuration files
    src: "{{ item }}"
    dest: "/var/ipfire/suricata/"
    - "files/suricata/configs/*"

- name: Unarchive suricata rule files to cr
    src: "files/suricata/rules.tar.xz"
    dest: "/var/lib/suricata/"

- name: Add syslog output to /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml
    path: "/etc/suricata/suricata.yaml"
    insertafter: "^outputs:"
    line: "  # Output alerts to syslog\n  - syslog:\n      enabled: yes\n      facility: local5\n"

- name: Reboot after suricata config
    reboot_timeout: 180

What’s odd about this is that it also does not trigger the 180s timeout (i.e., the task runs forever until it’s eventually killed by the supervising script. I know that the timeout can potentially be double that number, but it also runs longer than that). When checking the VM in question manually, ssh is also up and running. I’m asking this here because I have absolutely no idea how to debug this - while the overall cause is obviously the version upgrade, I suspect that the actual reason is not a bug but rather some change I’m simply not aware of.

Did you try using verbose logging and seeing if any of the task output helps? -vvvvv

Next you could look at the module docs/code and see if anything seems like it would need tweaking for your OS.

Finally, you could try a workaround.
Run the reboot task async, and then use the wait_for module to check for SSH access

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That bit seems like a bug, what version of ansible-core is installed? If you use -vvv, the reboot task should include some clues about what’s happening.