reboot on RHEL7

Hi all,

I used ansible-1.7.2, and I created this playbook to reboot and wait
until wakeup.

    - name: reboot
      shell: /sbin/reboot
    - name: wait for the server to go down
      local_action: wait_for host={{ inventory_hostname }} port=22 state=stopped

It works on RHEL6. However, on RHEL 7 ansible-playbook is failed.

Hi Shirou,

I believe this error was fixed in devel, if you’d like to test it there.


Thank you!

But unfortunately, same problem was occurred on the devel.

% git log HEAD -1
commit 94db7365b911ac740902142e807ab5f65a970f94
Author: Michael DeHaan <>

    __getattr__ to hide some of the attribute magic.

% git submodule update

% ansible-playbook --version
  ansible-playbook 1.8
    configured module search path = None

# Should I make a new issue ticket?
