Was just wanting to check in regarding the way the dev workflow works for Ansible.
I’ve got a PR that’s currently open that has an approved review on it so was wondering if there is something else that I need to do with it to get it merged or if its just a matter of time?
The PR in question is https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/33565
Was just wanting to check in regarding the way the dev workflow works for
I've got a PR that's currently open that has an approved review on it so was
wondering if there is something else that I need to do with it to get it
merged or if its just a matter of time?
The PR in question is https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/33565
For posterity I thought I'd reply here even though your PR is merged,
the details of the process are documented here:
Thanks Adam - it has indeed been merged so thanks to all that helped out 
As an observation, I wonder if it would be worth making mention of that link (or the overall Ansibullbot ISSUE_HELP.md page) somewhere in or near the Contributing Code section on http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/community.html#id13? Not sure of best place or best approach to linking the two but knowing about the “When will your pull request be merged” page gave a very good insight into what to expect.