I’m still looking for a mean to get this PR merged :
It has been submitted one year ago now.
We are using the module in production, all checks passed.
I read Ansible’s workflow again and again but found no way to warn someone about this problem…
So I try here : If anyone has an idea for helping me this PR merged do not hesitate

Thank you for help
I'm still looking for a mean to get this PR merged :
It has been submitted one year ago now.
We are using the module in production, all checks passed.
I read Ansible's workflow again and again but found no way to warn someone about this problem...
So I try here : If anyone has an idea for helping me this PR merged do not hesitate

Sorry for the lag time on this, unfortunately this is not an uncommon
problem because there are more code submissions coming in than we have
people in the core developer community to review. It's a good problem
to have but one we have still the same. I've reviewed your code and
it looks good. I've marked it for merge, the bot will do the needful.
Thank you for the pull request!
Happy automating,