python-apt not seend from ansible

I have python and python-apt.

$ python -V Python 2.7.15rc1
$ pip list 
... cut ...
python-apt (1.6.2)
... cut ...

But I am facing this error

tis 2018-07-31 klockan 15:38 -0700 skrev realtebo:

I have python and python-apt.

$ python -V Python 2.7.15rc1
$ pip list
... cut ...
python-apt (1.6.2)
... cut ...

But I am facing this error

$ ansible openvpn -C -m "apt update-cache=yes" | FAILED! => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "python-apt must be installed to use check mode. If run
normally this module can auto-install it."}

*Which can be the reason and how to fix?*

Does have python-apt installed?

// Andreas

If you check "ansible -h" you'll see that -m takes the module name and -a takes the arguments,

   ansible openvpn -C -m apt -a "update-cache=yes"