Pull Request - stuck


I have a pull request (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/20926) which seems to have been approved by other contributors, but seems to be stuck “waiting_on: maintainer”. It appears (from a quick look around github) the Maintainer hasn’t been around much since they created the module I’ve updated. What happens now? Does it get stuck indefinitely, or is there a process when the original maintainer isn’t involved in the project anymore (this is of course just speculation).

jhawkesworth has been very helpful in moving it along so far. I was just wondering if there is anything else I need to do to help it move along?

Thanks for your help,

Johnny :slight_smile:

While your change has been merged now, I reckon the best way to get your stuff merged is to find other PRs that interest you and test them and leave feedback.

Have a search on github for pull requests with the windows label. It's a huge help to know that others have tested a pull request.

If you have a bit more time, creating or enhancing integration tests is also very helpful. The nice thing about ansible integration tests is they are just playbooks and roles, so you don't need to pick up any new skills to add/enhance tests.

All the best,
