I am testing out ansible win_dsc module that Trond wrote. Everything worked great except when I start using the xActiveDirectory modules. I used Trond’s ansible module generator to get the modules. I didn’t get any error and I see all the modules exported. When I run the play book I get the error “Property _ansible_selinux_special_fs in resource xADDomain is not a valid property.” I searched around the web but couldn’t really find much about this error. Please help!
Yea I just read the win_xaddomain.ps1 and found out why it’s causing the error. I think Trond win_dsc5 module generator is expecting the keys and values of old ansible version and you guys added these new value or something and failing it.
I comment out the line below and now the script just hanged. I am going to create an issue on the git instead.
Fail-Json -obj $result -message “Property $key in resource $dscresourcename is not a valid property”
Dang! Perfect timing. I ran into the internal ansible variable handling issue in win_dsc5 literally just now! (Trying to use ‘Group’ DSC resource in WMF5 with ansible ‘devel’ branch - msg: “Property _ansible_debug in resource Group is not a valid property” )
As for the AnsibleDscModuleGenerator, I’ve implemented a similar fix there (simply disregarding all options beginning with “_ansible”. We’re probably gonna use the “check-mode” option later since we can do that natively with DSC, but for now this should work:
@Phyo, could you git pull and try again whenever you have a minute? While your method works I really want to retain the checking of options into the module (before the DSC parser gets them) just to be a good Ansible citizen.