Problem with DOCUMENTATION.version_added value in sanity tests

Hello All,

For a couple of days I’ve been getting the following error in the Ansible sanity tests…

ERROR: plugins/modules/ module-invalid-version-added: DOCUMENTATION.version_added: invalid semantic version ‘2.8’ for dictionary value @ data[‘version_added’]. Got ‘community.cassandra:2.8’

The value for version_added in the files is as I expect. In the above case…

version_added: 2.8

The string community.cassandra is not in the file at all so I know there’s no parsing issues. Anyone have an idea what’s up here?




For a couple of days I've been getting the following error in the
Ansible sanity tests...

ERROR: plugins/modules/
module-invalid-version-added: DOCUMENTATION.version_added: invalid
semantic version '2.8' for dictionary value @ data['version_added'].
Got 'community.cassandra:2.8'

this is related to

Once all deprecation stuff is settled, there'll be an announcement in

The value for version_added in the files is as I expect. In the above

version_added: 2.8

That's a invalid version number for a collection. Collections must use
semantic versioning.

The string community.cassandra is not in the file at all so I know
there's no parsing issues. Anyone have an idea what's up here?

That's automagically added, so documentation can say which version a
version_added refers to (it could come from a doc fragment from another
collection, or from ansible-base).


Since a semantic version is a string I would assume that this
needs to be quoted, i.e.:

    version_added: "2.8"
