Problem with Conditional Imports

I have a problem with conditional variable imports. I am trying to set a variable based on operatingsystem release. For ‘Solaris10’ I want one value and for all others I want another another value.

In this example I have two servers:

$ ansible server1 -m setup | grep -E 'ansible_os_family|ansible_distribution_version' "ansible_distribution_version": "10", "ansible_os_family": "Solaris", $ ansible server2 -m setup | grep -E 'ansible_os_family|ansible_distribution_version' "ansible_distribution_version": "11.2", "ansible_os_family": "Solaris",

I am trying to mimic the construct from this example:

$ cat vars/defaults.yml

what version of ansible are you using?

Sorry, I am using Ansible 1.9.4 on CentOS 7.1.

/ Thomas

I havent managed to understand my problem but I have been able to use this workaround using the “include_vars” module instead:
