problem use vmware_guest network with awx

i try to clone from template


  • name: 82_Server-demo
    device_type: vmxnet3
    ip: “{{vmware_machine_ip}}”
    netmask: “{{vmware_machine_net.netmask}}”
    gateway: “{{vmware_machine_net.gateway}}”
    wait_for_ip_address: yes

“networks”: [
“ip”: “ansibledeploy”,
“netmask”: “”,
“name”: “82_Server-demo”,
“device_type”: “vmxnet3”,
“gateway”: “”

but the i see the network not connected and i receive a

Clone virtual machine
Template RHEL 6.8-Ansible
A specified
parameter was not


TASK [infra-provision-vm-role : vmware_guest] *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [ansibledeploy01 → localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “failed”: true, “msg”: “Failed to create a virtual machine : A specified parameter was not correct: spec.deviceChange.device.port.switchUuid”}

PLAY RECAP *********************