Print Hostvar For All Host Under Group

Hi Team,

Need your help got stuck

I want to use host vars from inventory for all host under a specific group

I tried with the below example but only getting IP when I am passing hostname not getting anything when trying to get ansbile_host variable value for all host under that group with the group name

ip: “{{hostvars[‘test’][‘ansible_host’]}}” ------Not working

ip: “{{hostvars[‘test1’][‘ansible_host’]}}” -------- Working

test1 ansible_host=
test2 ansible_host=


This doesn’t look like its a supported way, you can use index of one and access but not full group:

  • Jamer

Thanks …any other way to use hosname wildcard


Is this what you’re looking for?
$ cat groupvars-inventory.ini
test1 ansible_host=
test2 ansible_host=

dev1 ansible_host=
dev2 ansible_host=

$ cat groupvars.yml

Thanks @Todd, First solution is working for me… thank you very much