Here's a highlight of some major tickets that will be included in 0.7. I didn't think there was a major theme to it before, but it seems there is starting to be one.
0.7 is about polishing ansible until we can see ourselves in it.
[A] We'll be able to exclude playbooks to certain groups of hosts with some option. Something like this:
ansible-playbook all.yml --limit-to southeast
This could be used for geography or partial upgrades as needed:
ansible-playbook.yml --limit-to
[B] The result of the last command, as a dictionary, will be available in some variable like $last_result. Use
this with the shell/command module to quickly add control logic with "only_if", without having to write custom facts
[C] The service module will take a pattern, allowing easy usage when the service does not support status or when status
is unreliable, curing a large number of terrible init scripts.
[D] We'll have a super verbose mode that will overwhelm you in listing all of the remote operations we perform, probably with timestamp
info attached.
[E] We'll have a configuration file such that you won't have to override defaults via environment variables, and it will be easy to browse
what you can configure, although this will be optional. We'll load from a system path and also support local ~/ config files and use those
first if found.
[F] The common module code will be able to auto support when some arguments are mutually required or mutually exclusive, cutting down
further on the code to create new modules
[G] We should be able to support numeric slices of hosts in patterns, selecting a given range out of the selected range of hosts. For example, I should be able to run ansible-playbook on 15% of my infrastructure at a time using the same playbook and different CLI parameters.
We'll obviously take other contributions along the way, but I think that's a pretty exciting set of features and further rounds out all the things you can do.
0.6 was a great release, but 0.7 should bring some very nice refinements.