We do not have any slicing yet. (Like ansible-playbook foo.yml --slice 0-10%)
Options include:
Create subgroups and pass them in like so:
hosts: $hosts
ansible-playbook foo.yml --extra-vars=“hosts=blarg”
Use a stage environment
(disclaimer: I’m completely new to ansible)
Say I have a playbook set up to run on “hosts: webservers”. Is there a way to run this playbook only on a subset of these hosts? I’d like to deploy the playbook gradually (on a human time scale, not just “don’t forkbomb”) instead of pushing the changes everywhere at once.
We do have “-i hostname,hostname,hostname” # at least one comma is required which is a hair gross and ignores your inventory file. Not so recommended, and I still want a cleaner way of doing that.
I saw a post that said to use “hosts: $group” and pass $group on the command line but (IMHO) that is ugly and not self-explanatory. I was a bit surprised ansible-playbook does not take a host-list parameter. Would a patch to add it stand a chance of being accepted?
Yes. In this case, it might make since to do a ansible-playbook --slice-range “0:10” where that would select the first 10. That seems cleaner than having to remember and type in a ton of them all at once. I’d really like to see this, though it may not be super trivial, it is definitely not impossible. Most of the love would have to happen in inventory.py, with values passed up from Playbook() via the command line arguments to /usr/bin/ansible/playbook
Workaround: use child groups, such that “webservers” has child groups “webservers1,2,3,4” etc. The INI format file supports subgroups.