I’ve started incorporating the capabilities of Vault to encrypt private data (e.g. passphrases), and I want to make sure this data is still secure once I use it in a play. Specifically, I’m looking to develop a module to interact with our encryption software, and I want to make sure the passphrases I pass in are not going to be logged in the output.
I’ve noticed when you run the user module with a -vvvv you get two log entries where the password is sanitized.
<> REMOTE_MODULE user name=username state=present password=VALUE_HIDDEN
I’ve been able to trace out the NOT_LOGGING_PASSWORD in the user module file, but I’m not able to find any reference to VALUE_HIDDEN. It would really defeat the purpose of Vault to encrypt private data, but display it in the logs.
Thanks, Jesse. Just to make sure I fully understand, I need to create my private arguments with a key of password or login_password, or change the private_keys list to include the argument keys of my choosing. Is this correct?