Hello list!
I think I have found a bug which causes the magic “groups” variable to contain duplicate host names (same name multiple times in a single group), when using an inventory directory (-i dirname).
I read the code a bit, and it appears the magic “groups” variable contains the output of Inventory.groups_list(). So made a simple test case using the existing inventory dir test fixture to show Inventory.groups_list() returning duplicates. Here is my commit (on top of HEAD as of an hour ago):
And here is the relevant snippet of my (failing) test output:
INVENTORY groups_list[‘all’]=[‘morpheus’, ‘morpheus’, ‘morpheus’, ‘thor’, ‘thor’, ‘thor’, ‘zeus’, ‘zeus’, ‘zeus’]
EXPECTED groups_list[‘all’]=[‘morpheus’, ‘thor’, ‘zeus’]
INVENTORY groups_list[‘major-god’]=[‘thor’, ‘thor’, ‘zeus’, ‘zeus’]
EXPECTED groups_list[‘major-god’]=[‘thor’, ‘zeus’]
INVENTORY groups_list[‘norse’]=[‘thor’, ‘thor’]
EXPECTED groups_list[‘norse’]=[‘thor’]
INVENTORY groups_list[‘minor-god’]=[‘morpheus’, ‘morpheus’]
EXPECTED groups_list[‘minor-god’]=[‘morpheus’]
INVENTORY groups_list[‘ungrouped’]=[‘morpheus’, ‘thor’, ‘zeus’]
EXPECTED groups_list[‘ungrouped’]=
INVENTORY groups_list[‘greek’]=[‘morpheus’, ‘morpheus’, ‘zeus’, ‘zeus’]
EXPECTED groups_list[‘greek’]=[‘morpheus’, ‘zeus’]
I am not 100% sure that I have understood ‘ungrouped’ correctly (should it actually be empty?) – but that is besides the point, I think you will agree that the groups_list output above does not look right with all those duplicate hostnames.
I’m new to ansible. Would anyone be willing to give me a hand validating this issue? Do you agree that it is a problem? Can you reproduce the failure of that test case / output in your environment?
Finally, I have some ideas for a potential resolution, but how long can this email really get? If people agree this is a bug, I’ll open an issue / PR in github.
Thank you in advance! Ansible is awesome!