I’m working on a collection for gitea that will include both a server role and a role to set up act_runner instances for Gitea Actions.
In order to properly test this, I would like to use molecule and podman. I’m trying to set up an instance that runs Gitea server, and I am failing miserably to make systemd work in the podman container.
Can someone help me figure out what I’m doing wrong here? Using molecule 6.0.3 with Ansible 2.15.5.
My molecule.yml looks like this:
name: galaxy
requirements-file: requirements.yml
- name: instance
image: ubi8/ubi-init
- /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
- /run
- /tmp
privileged: true
command: "/sbin/init"
name: ansible
name: ansible
managed: False
login_cmd_template: "podman exec -ti {instance} bash"
ansible_connection: podman
I’ve tried various alternatives, like using cap_sys_admin instead of privileged, various different images (ubi8, ubi9 and centos:stream8), I messed with the command (adding --system
doesn’t help), and ran this on both MacOS w/ Podman Desktop, in a Fedora VM on MacOS and on a bare metal x86_64 Fedora host. All give the same result: container is created, but doesn’t run systemd a pid 1. In its place is a coreutils sleep process.
Surely, I am doing something wrong, but it’s unclear to me what it is