Hello Folks,
I’m using ansible for a couple of month but still feel like a beginner.
I began with one git repository for my /etc/ansible. In there i have my
inventories, playbooks and roles.
I watched Jeff Geerlings Ansible 101 Videos, especially the video about
molecule. After i saw the videos about molecule and AWX i thought,
may be i have to put my roles in there own git repository and test
them with molecule. so far so good. I use yamlling, ansiblelint and
let molecule check that my roles are idempotent.
when i push them to gitlab i trigger my jenkins server and he ensures
everything is ok. I placed my roles in ~/.ansible/roles as a clone
from the correspending git repository and jenkins pulls the lates commit
to that repository instance if there are no errors. So now i have
my testet Roles and can use them in my playbooks.
In his molecule video jeff talks about using molecule together with
playbooks and i tought, hey, do the same as with the roles. Put
every playbook together with some playbook specific roles in an own
git repository and test them with molecule and let jenkins do the
But now the big Question is, where do i put my playbooks on my
ansible server and how to start them. I thought about some path like
~/.ansible/playbook but could not find any info if this is possible.
I know this must be possible with awx, but that is far
away for me cause i need to lern more about kubernetes. but i dont
have the time for everything so i wonder if there is a simpler
Thanks from Germany