Playbook error "... is not JSON serializable"


I am writing a custom module on AIX machines in this case the SUMA command.
I have the following error :

ansible-playbook test_suma_download.yml

An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: TypeError:, 2, 2) is not JSON serializable
fatal: [castor1]: FAILED! => {“failed”: true, “msg”: “Unexpected failure during module execution.”, “stdout”: “”}

Here is a snippet of my playbook


Since then I have tried the following:

**rq_name**: 7100-02-02 => TypeError:, 2, 2) is not JSON serializable
**rq_name**: "7100-02-02" => **OK**
**rq_name**: 7100-02-02-1009 ``=> **OK**
**rq_name**: "```7100-02-02-1009" ```=> OK``

The obvious solution is to have `rq_name declared as string “7100-02-02”``` but I would still be interested in a proper solution !``