Permit vaulted passwords in extra variables via Tower

I’m using Tower 3.6.2 with Ansible 2.9.2.
I have a “credential” with a vault password and have it associated with a template. I’m trying to add a vaulted variable as an extra variable at either the inventory or template. I use the following to create:

echo -n 'password' | ansible-vault encrypt_string --stdin-name 'variable_name'

which gives:

cmdb_client_secret: !vault |


“cmdb_client_secret”: {
“__ansible_vault”: “!vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 663835616563613939386664626537356238623762383365393…”

I’ve tried adding it as json in tower and it accepts it but its not decrypted. I see uses the exact string instead. I’ve tried with and without the __ansible_vault (as per above). It works if I enter it into the playbook but this is problematic as I have dev, QA and prod environment with different url/username/pw.

How do I enter it so that its decrypted.

There is a vault credential type in Tower. You should:

  • create a vault credential using the vault password needed to decrypt the secret you’re using in the playbook / vars.
  • assign that vault credential to the job template(s) you use to run the playbook