can't add vault-encrypted vars to template

I've used

ansible-vault encrypt_string ..

command to encrypt several vars for playbook run, however when I paste
encrypted var stanza into the "extra variables" field for Job Template -
I get an error. Is that intentional? Am I supposed to commit my secrets
(even if it's in encrypted form) to version control system (in my case
Git) and use "include_vars or similar techniques?

There is an open issue for this, and an attempted fix is in the pull request queue.
Since the attempt was began, some flaws in it were discovered.

I know it doesn’t sound like a difficult problem, but it’s actually tricky to preserve the vault representations along with the other things we do with extra_vars pre-run for security related issues and stuff like that.

It’s a cool use-case, and I would like to get it working. It’s on the agenda, but it needs some time.