Perforce SCM Module Feature Idea

Hey Ansible Team,

I work for a company that uses Perforce SCM. I’ve been in contact with David Federlein and he suggested awhile back that I submit a feature idea for a perforce ansible module. I would love to have a module like this at my disposal, as it would greatly simplify my life when interacting with our depot.

Per the contribution guidelines, I just wanted to start a discussion here before I submit the feature idea on github.


Adam Smith

Hi Adam,

I’d rather not have the feature request ticket, as we’re unlikely to spend valuable time implement a module for a proprietary SCM, unless possibly it was for a customer (in which case open sourcing would be a bonus, etc). We’ve simply just got a lot going on.

Open source communities usually work best by people scratching itches they have – so the best way to get this in would probably to build it yourself, or perhaps someone else would like to build one (or has already written one).

I do like feature ideas, but I’d usually prefer to talk about them than file tickets. As GitHub is a poor issue tracker, I generally don’t like to leave tickets in the queue we are unlikely to work on, as it gives some expectation that we will someday, which is unfair to the person who opened the ticket. We’re trying to keep that manageable right now, and have quite a log of random “please build this for me” stuff piled up :slight_smile:

Someone might have one here on the list though, and use perforce, and be willing to work on it though – which would be a great resolution if we could get that into shape and in core, sure.

Anyhow, hope that makes sense.

I’m quite open to a Perforce module, but feature requests are often not a good way to get anything added, unless you can convince someone on the list that they also need this enough to where they feel like building it.


I’d be interested in Perforce Support, may be able to give some help with coding/testing.
