Passing variable in EC2 Inventory Plugin

Hello Team,

I am using the EC2 Inventory plugin to build a dynamic inventory for ansible to run. The inventory is built based on certain ec2 instance tags mentioned in the filters section of the plugin config so that I can run ansible targetting specific instances based on their tags. Everything works as expected when I hard code the value of the tags in the plugin config directly. Unfortunately, when I try specifying a variable instead of the actual value, it doesn’t work. It just returns “[WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: role_server”.

From the below config, I am passing a variable ‘var1’ as value for the tag ‘cluster_name’. The value for this variable is mentioned in group_vars/all. After some research, I found that group_vars or host_vars are acknowledged only on the task level and not on the inventory level. Do we have any workaround to make this work?


plugin: aws_ec2

  • xxxxxxx
  • key: tags.role
    prefix: role_
    separator: “”
    role_all: “‘role’ in (tags|list)”

set the ansible_host variable to connect with the private IP address without changing the hostname

ansible_host: private_ip_address

  • server
  • worker
  • “{{ var1 }}”

