Hi there,
I have a password vault and a script to which I am passing a password.
The vault looks kind of like this:
Hi there,
I have a password vault and a script to which I am passing a password.
The vault looks kind of like this:
Use "quote" filter
- name: my-script
script: My-Script.ps1 -secret {{ vault_password|quote }}
Hi Vlado,
Apologies for the delayed reply. Unfortunately, that hasn’t worked. In the documentation that you linked to, that syntax is described in connection with the shell operator rather than the script.
I tried this:
Both produced the same result as before.
Thank you.
Hi Stephen,
> > vault_password: abc(123
> > tasks:
> > - name: my-script
> > script: My-Script.ps1 -secret {{ vault_password }}
> >
> > (Missing closing ')' in expression.:String)
> Use "quote" filter
> https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/user_guide/playbooks_filters.html#id8
> - name: my-script
> script: My-Script.ps1 -secret {{ vault_password|quote }}
Apologies for the delayed reply. Unfortunately, that hasn't worked. In
the documentation that you linked to, that syntax is described in
connection with the shell operator rather than the script.I tried this:
- name: my-script
script: My-Script.ps1 -secret {{ vault_password | quote }}
- name: my-script
script: My-Script.ps1 -secret {{ vault_password | join("") }}
Both produced the same result as before.
This is strange. It works for me.
$ cat my-script.sh
echo $1
exit 0
$ cat play.yml
- hosts: localhost
vault_password: abc(123
- script: 'my-script.sh {{ vault_password|quote }}'
register: result
- debug:
var: result.stdout
$ ansible-playbook play.yml
ok: [localhost] => {
"result.stdout": "abc(123\n"
Without quoted argument I see this error:
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "msg": "non-zero return
code", "rc": 2, "stderr": "/bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: \"(\" unexpected\n",
"stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: \"(\" unexpected"], "stdout":
"", "stdout_lines": }
The error "Missing closing ')'..." is very probably reported by the script.
Find out how to pass the argument to the script from the command-line before
you proceed with Ansible.
Hi Vlado,
You are right, it is the Powershell parameter interpretation. I have previously tried quoting in the Ansible playbook like:
Neither of these worked. Per your suggestion I tried:
This worked, I’ll admit, I’m a little surprised. I have to do some reading on Jinja2.
Thank you!
Hi Stephen,
- name: my-script
script: My-Script.ps1 -svc_password '{{ vault_password }}'and
- name: my-script
script: My-Script.ps1 -svc_password "{{ vault_password }}"
Quoting from *Gotchas*: "If your value starts with a quote the entire value
must be quoted, not just part of it..."
Correct syntax is
- name: my-script
script: 'My-Script.ps1 -svc_password {{ vault_password }}'
- name: my-script
script: "My-Script.ps1 -svc_password {{ vault_password }}"
- name: my-script
script: My-Script.ps1 -svc_password {{ 'vault_password' }}This worked, I'll admit, I'm a little surprised...
I'm surprised too. In my case
- script: my-script.sh {{ 'vault_password' }}
register: result
the result was
ok: [localhost] => {
"result.stdout": "vault_password\n"
Hi Vlado,
That does make more sense. Thank you.