Passing a '(' in a variable string

Hi there,

I have a password vault and a script to which I am passing a password.

The vault looks kind of like this:


Use "quote" filter

    - name: my-script
      script: My-Script.ps1 -secret {{ vault_password|quote }}



Hi Vlado,

Apologies for the delayed reply. Unfortunately, that hasn’t worked. In the documentation that you linked to, that syntax is described in connection with the shell operator rather than the script.

I tried this:


  • name: my-script
    script: My-Script.ps1 -secret {{ vault_password | quote }}




  • name: my-script
    script: My-Script.ps1 -secret {{ vault_password | join(“”) }}


Both produced the same result as before.

Thank you.

Hi Stephen,

> > vault_password: abc(123
> > tasks:
> > - name: my-script
> > script: My-Script.ps1 -secret {{ vault_password }}
> >
> > (Missing closing ')' in expression.:String)
> Use "quote" filter
> - name: my-script
> script: My-Script.ps1 -secret {{ vault_password|quote }}

Apologies for the delayed reply. Unfortunately, that hasn't worked. In
the documentation that you linked to, that syntax is described in
connection with the shell operator rather than the script.

I tried this:
- name: my-script
      script: My-Script.ps1 -secret {{ vault_password | quote }}
- name: my-script
      script: My-Script.ps1 -secret {{ vault_password | join("") }}
Both produced the same result as before.

This is strange. It works for me.

    $ cat
    echo $1
    exit 0
    $ cat play.yml
    - hosts: localhost
        vault_password: abc(123
        - script: ' {{ vault_password|quote }}'
          register: result
        - debug:
            var: result.stdout
    $ ansible-playbook play.yml
    ok: [localhost] => {
        "result.stdout": "abc(123\n"

Without quoted argument I see this error:

fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "msg": "non-zero return
code", "rc": 2, "stderr": "/bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: \"(\" unexpected\n",
"stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: \"(\" unexpected"], "stdout":
"", "stdout_lines": }



The error "Missing closing ')'..." is very probably reported by the script.
Find out how to pass the argument to the script from the command-line before
you proceed with Ansible.



Hi Vlado,

You are right, it is the Powershell parameter interpretation. I have previously tried quoting in the Ansible playbook like:


  • name: my-script
    script: My-Script.ps1 -svc_password ‘{{ vault_password }}’



  • name: my-script
    script: My-Script.ps1 -svc_password “{{ vault_password }}”


Neither of these worked. Per your suggestion I tried:


  • name: my-script
    script: My-Script.ps1 -svc_password {{ ‘vault_password’ }}


This worked, I’ll admit, I’m a little surprised. I have to do some reading on Jinja2.

Thank you!

Hi Stephen,

    - name: my-script
      script: My-Script.ps1 -svc_password '{{ vault_password }}'

    - name: my-script
      script: My-Script.ps1 -svc_password "{{ vault_password }}"

Quoting from *Gotchas*: "If your value starts with a quote the entire value
must be quoted, not just part of it..."

Correct syntax is

    - name: my-script
      script: 'My-Script.ps1 -svc_password {{ vault_password }}'

    - name: my-script
      script: "My-Script.ps1 -svc_password {{ vault_password }}"

    - name: my-script
      script: My-Script.ps1 -svc_password {{ 'vault_password' }}

This worked, I'll admit, I'm a little surprised...

I'm surprised too. In my case

    - script: {{ 'vault_password' }}
      register: result

the result was

    ok: [localhost] => {
    "result.stdout": "vault_password\n"



Hi Vlado,

That does make more sense. Thank you.