ansible v1.7.2, running on RHEL 6.5, x86_64
Sorry for the newbie question, but I’m just starting out with ansible. I’ve
set up the SSH public/private key pairs between the ansible host and a few
test boxes; I can now use ssh to log in to any of those boxes without being
prompted for a password.
But when I try
$ ansible all -m ping
I get failures like this for each host:
paramiko: The authenticity of host ‘’ can’t be established.
The ssh-rsa key fingerprint is e5044ec0f82c2d1c25bc088c6cf9f372.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
yes | FAILED >> {
“failed”: true,
“msg”: " File "/home/lanz/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1416358227.56-273156953803218/ping", line 185\n return dict((_convert(k), _convert(v)) for k, v in node.items)\n ^\nSyntaxError: invalid syntax\n",
“parsed”: false
Is this the “OpenSSH is too old on RHEL-6” problem? Isn’t paramiko supposed
to work around that? How do I fix this?
There is no /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg or ~/.ansible.cfg file.