Authentication failed - help debugging?

Hi all,

Just installed ansible. Doing the customary “hello world” and attempting to ping one remote machine.

box% cat /etc/ansible/hosts

box% ansible all -m ping -u deploy | FAILED => FAILED: Authentication failed.

box% ssh deploy@
Last login: Fri Jan 11 22:08:07 2013 from

On the remote machine:

Jan 11 22:11:03 ip-10-115-61-170 sshd[9568]: Connection closed by

Any thoughts?

Thanks all. Looks like a great tool, can’t wait to start using it.

Just an update - this seems to be related to paramiko. When I pass the flag --connection=ssh, all seems okay.

Is there some kind of magical incantation I need to do to get this working with paramiko?

Is there some kind of magical SSH setup you've done previously?

Trying to talk to any 'weird' sort of hosts?

paramiko doesn't read your .ssh/config or other ssh files, if you have
a jumpthost/aliases/etc set there they will be ignored.