Packagers: Packaging changes may be required for 1.2

Note that per my previous email library files are now stored in the main tree under subdirectories.

It seems at least the RPM needs to be updated to handle this, though likely other packaging (BSD, macports, Debian, etc) need to be as well.

I’m open to pull requests on all of these and wanted to let everyone know that if you are maintaining packages there is a new structure to the library directory packages will need to accommodate.

FYI, the macports package in the repo seems to work fine – I’ve just reinstalled the development version.


RPM packages build seem to be ok too. “make rpm” built the rpm without problems and after the installation ansible works as expected.

RPM fix was made here, BTW:

We’ve also got a patch in for Arch.

I suspect the Debian/Ubuntu content in tree may need some too?

Thanks everyone!!!