Packagers, start your engines!

As requested today, I’ve uploaded a proper tar ball for Fedora & EPEL packaging review, as well as tagged 0.0.1

We can retag 0.0.2 when it gets ready to let things into the wild, but I think this is more or less ok to even do that with now :slight_smile:

srpms can be hosted at the above link too later, if needed, but assuming we can deal with that later.

In other news, thanks to Seth for sorting out various issues with building the RPM package on EL5/6 today. It build fine for me now from “make rpms”, so it should also work for other users that were having trouble. Let us know if not.



I will retest the rpm build on my test boxes tomorrow and confirm. Thoughts on a debian/ubuntu/mac package… or is that left for user contribution? I would have volunteered for the Ubuntu one but I am bit busy until June.


Yes, it’s up to someone else to do.

Nothing should be preventing any of those distributions from being supportable. I need to get some Mac build instructions for Lion figured out sometime. Grr, Xcode :slight_smile:
