osx_defaults missing a data type


I just came across a missing datatype in this area: dict.

Test-case: I tried to add a directory to the user-folders for Desktop wallpapers.


$ defaults read com.apple.systempreferences DSKDesktopPrefPane


UserFolderPaths = (

“/Users/prefect/Box Sync/Wallpapers”




So as you can see from the defaults-command, there is a dict within the value of DSKDesktopPrefPane.

Now looking at the docs of osx_defaults, these is an array type, but no dict type.

Is this feature just missing and the key is not accessible? Or ist there a straightforward syntax to enter the hierarchy of the dict?

I tried:


  • osx_defaults:

domain: com.apple.systempreferences

key: DKSDesktopPrefPane

type: array



  • /dudel


  • wallpaper

  • osx_defaults


So I just tried to be ignorant and feed a dict into the task. With “type: array” this results in an error (not-an-array) with type string this results in:

DKSDesktopPrefPane = "{'UserFolderPaths': ['/dudel']}";

Being a silbling of the other setting, so the primary key for the settings seems to be a combo of type and key.

In all cases … it simply does not work.

Any clue?

Thanks in advance,
