OS X module support discussion

Last discussion thread of the day, I promose.

Lots of good fixes to OS X ansible and client modules has been pushed
recently and some more is in queue. Soon, ansible will work happily
to run things on OS X clients, but we need to teach it to not run
certain setup facts on OS X until they can be made to work more cross
platform. Not a big deal.

Another thing is OS X manages users and services stupid weird. No
offense to OS X, but it does.

Rather than make the user and service and group modules long (which
would make them harder to work on), what about just making a module
called osx_user, osx_service, and osx_group, etc?

They would work more or less like the other modules but it would make
the code easier to understand, and also allow them to deviate where OS
X is in fact weird, without having to make the modules report errors
like "Hey, option FOO is not valid on Distro XYZ".

I think this is a good plan. It is already what we do with respect to
packages (yum vs apt) and it has kept the size of each reasonable.

Does anyone have an interest in managing OS X client machines for
users, groups, and services? If so, let's start some modules.
