FreeBSD support

Is anyone working on enhancing FreeBSD support for the built in modules
- specifically the user and service modules?


We have some FreeBSD folks, but probably not a large number. (There
is seems to be a bit more action around Solaris and AIX)

In general improvements are quite welcome, we have been talking about
making the service module
a bit like the way the fact module works now where it detects the OS
and chooses an appropriate subclass.

Seeing that in the user module as well seems reasonable -- I'd love to see this.


How is FreeBSD support now?
Looking for the same as the original author… users and services.

Also how about package management. Does ansible supports ports and/or the new pkg system?

So you are replying to a post that is a year and a half old.


and the user and service modules should do all of what you want.

The user module’s documentation points us to an example in “the github examples directory”… there’s nothing like that in ansible-examples, but there’s a lot in ansible galaxy:

“Optionally set the user’s password to this crypted value. See
the user example in the github examples directory for what
this looks like in a playbook.” (source: )
Needs updating…

Please file a ticket in github so we can remember to update the docs.


here we go: