On Windows, how can we configure Ansible's modules to go through an HTTP Proxy?

As per this post on the Ansible Github, how can Ansible be configured to run through an HTTP proxy?

Ultimately it is ideal to use the win_chocolatey module through the proxy, but I’m unable to just run a simple curl (i.e curl http://www.google.com) through win_shell.

From Github:


Ansible modules executed on a Windows host are unable to access the internet via an HTTP Proxy. Ideally modules would function similarly to setting the environment on Linux hosts, i.e

   http_proxy: http://gateway:port
   https_proxy: http://gateway:port

The following workarounds have been attempted:

  • Making changes to the Registry (i.e HKCU:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyServer)
  • Using netsh (i.e netsh winhttp set proxy proxy-server="http://gateway:port")
  • Setting the environment variable in cmd.exe, then running Curl as suggested here. For example:

- name: Fire and forget iexplore.exe 
  win_shell: set HTTP_PROXY=http://management-gateway.c.ansible-proj.internal:3128 & powershell.exe curl http://www.google.com
    executable: cmd

  • Simulating a new session on the Windows host by starting notepad.exe, setting the registry, then attempting Curl (see below playbook)

NOTE: The local administrator account is being used and a formal session via RDP is never initiated.


Attempt to curl an external website via win_shell. Some examples:


ansible windows-host -i inventory-file -m win_shell -a "curl http://www.google.com"


  • name: run
    hosts: windows-host
  • name: Fire and forget notepad.exe
    win_shell: notepad.exe
    exectable: cmd
    async: 60
    poll: 0
  • name: Set registry
    win_shell: “{{ item }}”
    with_items: - set-itemproperty -path “hkcu:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings” -name ProxyServer -value "http=gateway:port;https=gateway:port; -type string
  • set-itemproperty -path “hkcu:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings” -name ProxyEnable -value “1”
  • name: Run curl
    win_shell: curl http://www.google.com
    register: result



There is some discussion here on this issue that might relevant to the issue you are having:

Hope this helps,


I’ve just been through this exact thing for 2 annoying days. You’re not going to like the answer.

Despite setting the proxy through the registry - and I could see it in there using ansible debug tasks - it didn’t actually apply the proxy setting until I logged in through interactive RDP, using the same account.

No idea how to do this automatically - and I now face having to set the proxy and then log into every windows system we own. :frowning:

Any ideas on automating this would be helpful.