It seems some cached playbook keeps getting executed while playing an new playbook. Because ‘the old playbook’ needs root permissions any playbook on this host fails.
I understand gets rewritten so removing has no use (but what is the source, where is the cache?)
The ‘caching’ was stupid assumption of me; I just had made a playbook which did stuff on /var/named/chroot/etc/named which also didn’t work without ‘sudo’. It confused me.
I actually posted another but similar error, here the ‘right one’:
What I understand, the ‘gathering fact’ scripts is causing the error: it tries to gather facts only root is entitled to. This will happen with this chrooted named, but also with mount points on root only directories (the error posted)
run on 45 RHEL5 and 63 RHEL6 systems. Most of them different configurations/applications/hardware/vm. With Ansible 1.2.2: 5 systems got fact permission errors. Those systems all have a filesystem (or file bind) mounted on a root only directory.