apt: update_cache=yes failing in ansible 1.3

I am getting a new error in 1.3 when running apt: update_cache=yes:

yields msg: Failed to lock apt for exclusive operation

But, I can run sudo apt-get update on the node just fine and this worked before the upgrade to 1.3 The failure occurred on more than one node.

I reverted to ansible 1.2.3 and the problem went away.

Are you running the apt module in ansible using sudo?

Can you please report this on github.com/ansible/ansible ?

Please include your OS version.

FYI, I just used this on ubuntu 12 & 13 w/o any issues (using sudo) and ansible 1.3

it gave no issues.
Can this be a coincidence, where another process was using apt?​​
Are you sure ansible had (sudo) root permissions on the box?


After discussion on the github issue, it appears this may be related to sudo: not being explicitly declared for the play (since -K no longer implicitly causes sudo to be used).