I am getting a new error in 1.3 when running apt: update_cache=yes:
yields msg: Failed to lock apt for exclusive operation
But, I can run sudo apt-get update on the node just fine and this worked before the upgrade to 1.3 The failure occurred on more than one node.
I reverted to ansible 1.2.3 and the problem went away.
Are you running the apt module in ansible using sudo?
Can you please report this on github.com/ansible/ansible ?
Please include your OS version.
FYI, I just used this on ubuntu 12 & 13 w/o any issues (using sudo) and ansible 1.3
it gave no issues.
Can this be a coincidence, where another process was using apt?
Are you sure ansible had (sudo) root permissions on the box?
After discussion on the github issue, it appears this may be related to sudo: not being explicitly declared for the play (since -K no longer implicitly causes sudo to be used).