Not able to mount dbfs with below yml. Even playbook getting success but dbfs file systems not able to view in df -h

Please replace this text with a description of your issue. You should:

This playbook its creating the successful logs on the server.


The playbook:

- name: Mount dbfs
       command: dboc configure dbfs
          'Enter connectstring for your DBaas database      :':  "{{ db_connection_string }}"
          'Enter PDBADMIN password of your DBaas database   :': {{ db_password }}"
          'Continue \? \[y\/N\]   : ':  "y"
- name : Start dbfs service
  shell: "./dbfs.<dbname> start"
     chdir: /etc/init.d
  register: db_start
  become: true

Also with above playbook pipeline executions getting true in logs… But its not starting the service and not showing the mount pooint in df -h

But if we tried to execute the above playbook its configured the dbfs into server its showing in server logs.

After the pipeline execution if we started the service manually into server by command line its showing the mount point in
df - h.

It might be helpful if you could share the job log with verbosity 2 (“-vv”). If you can, please don’t leave out parts you think aren’t important. Elide passwords or sensitive info of course, but there are clues there that you probably don’t think are important, else you wouldn’t be asking the questions. :slight_smile: