No /var/lib/awx/venv directory after docker-compose install of AWX

While trying to debug a failing playbook (to add a device to Zabbix) I was working through checking the python versions in use thinking this was an issue. Most of what I discovered pointed to a mismatch between python and the zabbix-api. My understanding (which is low) was that AWX would be using python in a virtual env in /var/lib/awx/venv, and in the AWX gui this is where it says it will run tfrom. However there is no /venv directory. My AWX install is new and seems to be working so far, I can log in and create a dynamic inventory, link to projects in git etc

Is there a problem with my install? I tried deleting the containers and rebuilding from “sudo ansible-playbook -i inventory install.yml” but it is still the same.

Just to make sure, you’re looking at that path in the awx_task docker container, right? NOT on your host machine?

Aha, yes that was the problem, I was looking on the host. Thanks for the prompt.