Network interface information


I’ve stumbled across this old-ish Github issue:

The information described there is something I’d really like to have access to through ansible,
and the issue’s page seems to imply that some patches to gather information on inactive and
bonded interfaces were added to the setup module at some point.

This doesn’t actually seem to be the case — the setup module discards information on
interfaces without an IP address. Am I missing something obvious? And if I’m correct that the
setup module as it exists now doesn’t return that information, is there a reason?

If the only reason is that no one ever bothered writing the patches, I’ll go ahead and do it. I just
want to make sure I’m not wasting my time before hand.

I’d ping them via the issue - looks like Dag has the patches sitting around somewhere

I'm totally open to this, provided nothing changes in a way that is
backward incompatible.

Would be great to have.

I updated the issue - hopefully Dag still has the patches handy.