nested dictionary access

I have a dictionary like this:


  • abc
  • cde
    types: [ typea, typeb, typec]
    branch: aaa
  • fgh
  • ijk
    types: [ typea, typeb, typec]
    branch: bbb

I was wondering if I can somehow iterate over it so that the elements show up like so:

  • one, abc, typea

  • one, abc, typeb

  • one, abc, typec

  • one, cde, typea

  • one, cde, typeb

  • one, cde, typec

  • two, fgh, typea

  • two, fgh, typeb

Appreciate any advice.

It looks like I will need to flatten out the structure, just want somebody to confirm that there is no other obvious way.

You can iterate through it in a jinja template, though only for a fixed depth as you would need to code each iteration level manually (AFAIK)

{% for p in ppools %}
{% for devices in ppools[p].devices %}


Restructing it slightly, you could use the “with_subelements” lookup:

Thank you, ended up flattening it and using subelements.