Need help with task template Args and Survey sections

It looks like the documentation for Semaphore UI needs to be updated for the Args section when creating a new task tempate. I’m not clear on what a valid value should be. For example force_reboot=yes, force_reboot:yes, etc. Can someone help me out?

Looks like an interesting project. You might have more luck getting help for it at


I did post my question there and did not get any replys.

Looking at their docs, it looks like it accepts an array of ansible cli arguments. So your example would need to be passed to the -e parameter explicitly.

Your args needs to start with -e and immediately be followed by all parameters you wish to pass to the arg (as a single additional arg). I would use json for this. {"suppress_reboot": true}. You could pass them ini style as well, but I prefer json whenever I need to pass boolean values.

The old style would look like ["-e", "{\"suppress_reboot\": true}"].

There documentation is out of date. There is no longer a box to enter your json in. It has these plus signs and you add each argument individually. I’m just not clear on how they are parsed.

That’s what I’m suggesting. Clear what’s there. Click the plus sign to add -e as the first arg, and then click the plus sign to add the {"suppress_reboot": true} as the second arg.

The UI will pass the two args as an array to the cli, and would literally be ["-e", "{\"suppress_reboot\": true}"].

Ah, gotcha, OK I’ll test that.


HI, it works with one extra args variable but if I add another like in the screenshot, it thinks the second argument is the playbook name. Any idea what I’m doing wrong?

Hi, what would two variables after -e look like? space between them?

I think I got it.


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