Need help - Understanding cloud inventory grouping

Hi everybody,

I need help understanding how the hosts in cloud inventores are grouped into multiple groups ?

I’ve configured an inventory for Azure cloud, using Azure RM, and see too many groups in the inventory. I want to understand how the hosts are put into groups.
One thing is tag, but, I see a host in two groups, which aren’t mentioned in the VM’s tag

thanks in advance,

Hi everybody,

Would appreciate any help here.
Want to understand how the inventories, sourced from Azure Resource Manager, is divided in several groups.

thanks in advance,


You should be able to customize ways in which plugin groups your hosts by overriding boolean switches in the source variables field at the bottom of the “create source” form for azure rm.
These are the default settings:

If nothing is overriden, Tower will group hosts from azure by tags, but also by resource group, os family, location and security group.
If you only need to group by tags, simply set all the other switches to false in the source variables.

Hope this helps out. :slight_smile:

Dana srijeda, 31. ožujka 2021. u 11:01:42 UTC+2 korisnik napisao je:

thanks, that does help in understanding.