Need guidance on how to develop ansible playbook for ocp pod health checks

If you’re new to developing playbooks, take a look at this post in the same forum: Getting Started with Ansible - Resources You need to understand basics like tasks before you can write the playbook.

That being said, if there’s a module, you should try to use the module instead of having Ansible run the command. Instead of trying to run oc get pods -n openshift, use the module as shown below to get the same effect.

- name: Get OpenShift Pods
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
    K8S_AUTH_HOST: 'http://...'
    K8S_AUTH_API_KEY: <your api key>
    - name: Retrieve pods in OpenShift namespace
        kind: Pod
        namespace: openshift
      register: openshift_pods

    - name: Display returned info
        msg: "{{ openshift_pods.resources }}"