Need an Intro section for "become" for Windows

How “become” works on windows is confusing in general, and with limited and evolving support (doesn’t work for Kerberos, for example?), a documentation section describing how it works for Windows is important.

Further, the current situation is somewhat limited because of the different variables.

I’ll ignore the deprecated vars. So there is, from inventory:
ansible_user, ansible_pass
ansible_become_user, ansible_become_pass, ansible_become_method

Then in the playbook,
remote_user (*** which seems to be a noop on windows ***)
become_user, become_method

And the task
become_user, become_method

Note that for the playbook (play?) and task, there is no equivalent for “ansible_become_pass”.

So a playbook like this (with some “password” vars defined in a vault somewhere) cannot work.

Become support for Windows is currently in an experimental state and because of some of the existing limitations like only working over Basic and CredSSP may change once it is bedded down. I believe because the way it works may change in the future we are trying to hold off on documenting it in case it does change but feel free to raise a PR on the existing docs and we can go from there :slight_smile:

Fair enough. I think the bigger issues are the current issues with the implementation, which, as you say, is likely to change.