Hi All,
I’m using below playbook to enable/disable nagios downtime. My problem here is since the hosts in my inventory file are a lot (around min 1000), I’m running into mux sessions limit Issue on the remote nagios server while executing the playbook
Because of security limitation, we cannot Increase the max_sessions(currently 30) on nagios server. Is there any other way to handle this playbook to avoid max_sessions Issue ? like writing the commands to a file & then transfer the file to remote nagios server to trigger downtime ?
Below things won’t work:
Using Serial ---- This will be too slow to execute downtime against 1000 hosts
hosts: all
remote_user: ops
become: true
tasks: -
name: Disable Nagios Alerts
tags: disablenagios
action: disable_alerts
service: all
host: “{{ inventory_hostname }}”
cmdfile: /var/spool/nagios/cmd/nagios.cmd
delegate_to: nagserver
remote_user: nagiosctl -
name: Enable Nagios Alerts
tags: enablenagios
action: enable_alerts
service: all
host: “{{ inventory_hostname }}”
cmdfile: /var/spool/nagios/cmd/nagios.cmd
delegate_to: nagserver
remote_user: nagiosctl
fatal: [beta-node]: UNREACHABLE! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “Failed to connect to the host via ssh: mux_client_request_session: session request failed: Session open refused by peer\r\nssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer\r\n”, “unreachable”: true}