Multiply with floating numbers

I’ve search some reference but still got no luck about divide operations in ansible.


mariadb_setmem: “{{ ansible_memtotal_mb 10241024 }}”
mariadb_misc_query_prealloc_size: “{{ mariadb_setmem *0.01 }}”


  • name: Debugging Value
    msg: “{{ mariadb_misc_query_prealloc_size }}”

And got error.
fatal: [vagrant01] => Failed to template {{ mariadb_misc_query_prealloc_size }}: Failed to template {{ mariadb_setmem *0.01 }}: an unexpected type error occurred. Error was can’t multiply sequence by non-int of type ‘float’

Is there any hints to got the results of the math operations and round it?
Any helps are appreciated.

That error indicates that you are trying to multiply a sequence, in this case I am assuming a string and a float.

mariadb_setmem is cast to a string. You might try:

{{ mariadb_setmem|float * 0.01 }}

Also that functionality is provided by jinja2. Math operations are described at

Hello Matt,

Thank you, it’s working :slight_smile:

Pada Minggu, 17 Januari 2016 06.12.04 UTC+7, Matt Martz menulis: