MSP Files

How can I install .msp files from ansible modules without using win_shell.

Can anyone help.

When I am trying to install using win_package.

path: “path\*.msp”
product_id: auto
arguments: /p /qn

I am getting this error.

fatal: []: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “failed to run install process (C:\Citrix\SCVMM\PreReqs16\AdminConsole_amd64.msp /p /qn): Exception calling "CreateProcess" with "5" argument(s): "CreateProcessW() failed (%1 is not a valid Win32 application, Win32ErrorCode 193)"”, “reboot_required”: false}

I also used patch=path/*.msp in arguement like

path: “path\setup.exe”
product_id: auto
arguments: /client /i /IACCEPTSCEULA \p patch=“path\*.msp” \qn

But not able to install.
Can someone help.

As the documentation for win_package says,

Installs or uninstalls a package in either an MSI or EXE format.

You cannot use win_package to install an msp file, your only alternative is to use win_command to call the relevant executable and arguments for them.

