I’m using ansible 1.7.2, here’s my very basic playbook:
Can anyone confirm this is how it works? I used a file that already exists but ansible still seem to tried to install (I saw msiexec being started). Nothing in the output indicates it skipped the task either:
TASK: [win_msi path=“c:\temp\NewRelicAgent_x64_3.6.177.0.msi” creates=“C:\Program Files\New Relic” state=present] ***
changed: [qa01rlaffvm01.qa.ruelala.lan]
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
qa01rlaffvm01.qa.ruelala.lan : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0
This is the same output regardless if I have creates set or not
Taking a closer look at that module, I think you’ve found a bug. I’ll work on a fix and some tests.
The win_package module works better in my opinion (not merged yet). However you need to set the name of the package properly, which I’ve only been able to figure out by installing each package by hand and searching the registry for the name. The name has to match exactly.
I’ve also found some msi files that appear to have no name set.