"msg": "Local object for PUT does not exist"


I just started using ansible for sometime now. Not sure what I’m doing wrong.

I already created a s3 bucket successfully and then trying to upload a file(awscliv2.zip) to s3 bucket but it fails with below error

"“msg”: “Local object for PUT does not exist”

playbook looks like below:

Remote_user I would do connection: local, also what's the folder permission on that playbook folder?

permission: public-read

root@master:~/playbook# cat create_s3.yml

According to the docs aws modules should be run against localhost:


Please try that.

Also running ansible as root is both unnecessary and unsafe. So once you got things to work at all, take it a step further and fix that as well.


thank you Dick it worked.

I’m using root since its just for practise. anyway I will be mindful of that.

but the thing is I was able to install a ec2 and create a s3 bucket without localhost. anyway will need to dig-in deeper.

thanks again and appreciate it and thanks David for your help as-well. Cheers

anyway i figured the actual problem. it was just the “src”(/root/playbook/serin.txt) file was not present in the targeted “hosts”(ubuntu).

simple issue but i guess this is how we learn :slight_smile: