Mounting extra k8 volumes in Ansible 17.1


Since AWX seems to be currently breaking everything with EE’s, I thought I might try sticking with version 17.1.

Problem is, I still need to configure volume mounts for files like krb5.conf, logo-login.svg, etc and use LoadBalancer ingresses with SSL support

I can’t use the operator because I can only use version 0.6 of the operator to deploy AWX 17.1, and of course it doesn’t support LoadBalancer Ingress

So this brings me back to using the Ansible Playbook install method to install 17.1 on a k8 cluster. This doesn’t have native support for any extra volume mounts or LoadBalancer SSL.

How can I hack the AWX install playbook to modify the kubeconfig? What files control volume mounts and Ingress types?

Never mind, figured it out. In the Ansible Installer playbook it looks like you can edit “/installer/roles/kubernetes/templates/deployment.yml.j2” and “/installer/roles/kubernetes/templates/configmap.yml.j2” with whatever config you want. Add krb5.conf, add custom logos, add loadbalancer SSL, go crazy.

I thought you would add that to the crd?

Not sure on that. I’d have to be editing the operator deployment in the crd (which in v 0.6 didn’t have any support for making the ingress type Loadbalancer), and I don’t think the crd allowed you to modify anything more than just the deployment volumes and mounts.