I am running AWX in docker containers and have mounted the playbooks directory (I modified local_docker/tasks/main.yml:“Activate AWX Task Container” to include a volume argument).
I created a directory and a playbook and it shows up inside the container:
Yet, I still get the warning when I try to create a manual project:
WARNING: There are no available playbook directories in /var/lib/awx/projects. Either that directory is empty, or all of the contents are already assigned to other projects. Create a new directory there and make sure the playbook files can be read by the “awx” system user, or have AWX directly retrieve your playbooks from source control using the SCM Type option above.
The “helloworld” project/playbook also don’t show up when creating a new Job Template.
Is there some special trick to getting AWX to recognize this directory?
Perhaps silly, but make sure the awx user has access to read the files+directory. In addition, confirm whether SELinux is active and denying access to that file/dir. That may not be the case in the container environment, I don’t recall off hand.
Fwiw, this isn’t a must-have because I don’t want to be managing these by hand directly on the system. In production, I want every playbook to be behind git control, in which case, I can install through the GUI. This is more for quick testing and debugging.
I might have an idea, though…
I’m going to try this:
install my global roles on the host machine
mount the global roles as a volume: /opt/myroles/
add an ansible.cfg file to each playbook that specifies role_path=/opt/myroles.
So something you might not realize is that if you have a manual project that projects needs to be put on the web and task nodes… it sounds like you are only putting it on one.
Hello mike
I am facing the same issue can u please help me for the error. i have tried to create the same directory also but no resoult
WARNING: There are no available playbook directories in /var/lib/awx/projects. Either that directory is empty, or all of the contents are already assigned to other projects. Create a new directory there and make sure the playbook files can be read by the “awx” system user, or have AWX directly retrieve your playbooks from source control using the SCM Type option above
That branch is a bit outdated, so the code needs to be cleaned up a bit before it could be used with the most recent devel branch, but the concept should remain the same.