I've been stumbling over this, too. According to this:
and specifically, this:
You can not conditionally path the location to an include file, like you
can with vars_files. If you find yourself needing to do this, consider how
you can restructure your playbook to be more class/role oriented.
dynamic includes like this can't be done. (The very helpful halberom on
ansible suggested this had been removed due to "security concerns".)
Let me explain why I was trying to do this, and why something like this
would be useful. I've broken the following bits of the explanation down
into small chunks; without that it's something of a wall of text.
I've got a bunch of development teams who are writing playbooks. They're
each deploying multiple services which, taken as a whole, comprise a large
and complex application.
(We may very likely be using multiple git repos to manage those playbooks,
for administrative reasons such as managing the gerrit review workload.)
Each service component will likely be deployed into some kind of
"container". Those containers might be python venvs; or chroot
environments; or docker containers, etc.
Now, I'd like my developer groups to be able to lean upon
centrally-managed tasks to do things like "prepare a container", "install
software X into container Y", and so on.
So, there's kind of a high-level operational/deployment API we're talking
about, that development teams can lean on.
The use of task inclusion (with parameterised tasks that take an
appropriate set of variables) looks ideal to achieve this.
The advantages of this are that:
- we then have a single place to update our choice of container technology implementation
- developer groups can write playbooks to that abstract API
- vitally, we can make a change to the central implementation and all
developer-supplied playbooks inherit the new implementation;
- there's no dodging around like fools trying some kind of staged-commit
morris-dance to get such a change like that through the CI gating of,
potentially, multiple git repos.
So far, so reasonable, I think; it requires a bit of up-front planning
(although that's not a bad thing) to understand what kinds of operations
the lifecycle comprises - and it's one way to tackle the large amount of
complexity something like this has.
But, when it comes to an upgrade of an *already-installed* system, the
situation is a little more interesting: in particular, we'll know about
the version we were going _from_, and the version we're moving _to_. It's
quite natural to write common playbooks that create and destroy
containers, or deploy software into them, etc, as a set.
An upgrade, then, needs to pick an appropriate version of the central API
implementation for different tasks, eg, as a quick sketch:
This abstract playbook "delegates" to two separate concrete
In practice, I'd expect to have high-level playbooks that wrap
a single conceptual task like "do X"/"undo X"