Dynamic reusability of a playbook — include_tasks, include_role, import_playbook … Mission impossible?

Hello all.

Consider following sample project:

With tree:
├── playbook.yml
├── run-playbook
└── somedir
└── dynamically_defined_dir
├── do.yml
├── roles
│ ├── role1
│ ├── role2
│ │ ├── defaults
│ │ │ └── main.yml
│ │ ├── tasks
│ │ │ └── main.yml
│ │ └── templates
│ │ └── sometemplate.j2
│ └── role3
├── run-nested-playbook
├── templates
└── vars

Here we have here:

  • A working playbook “do.yml” in “dynamically_defined_dir” (can be run by “run-nested-playbook” shell script).
  • A playbook “playbook.yml” that tried to use “nested” playbook “do.yml”, trying to redefine some of defaults of nested playbook.
  • Playbook “playbook.yml” should be run (“run-playbook”) with some external parameters like this:
    ansible-playbook -vvv -i ‘localhost,’ -c local playbook.yml --extra-vars “external_extra_var=somedir”

Expected (wanted) result for “run-playbook”

  • Get contents of sometemplate.j2 with replacing default variables to some variables/parameters from “playbook.yml”
  • “Playbook.yml” should be without hardcoding paths to nested playbook (should be calculated somehow from “–extra-vars”). Better by “set_fact” some variable, and reuse it.

There are further changes to dynamic inclusion of tasks in ansible 2.5, so probably worth while testing with latest code rather 2.4.x versions now.

see https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/porting_guide_2.5.html
and https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ansible-project/GsJ7GjUhI_g regarding testing out 2.5 alpha build.

Hope this helps,
